University of Georgia is Having the Annual Fish Medicine Course Again!

As soon as we got the date, we are posting. It's going to be Saturday and Sunday, January 13th and 14th in 2024. 
Dr Stephen Divers is heading this up and has enlisted Vicki Vaughan, Dr. Erik Johnson, Dr Chad Bishop and hopefully additional, experienced talent from across the country! 
We'll provide even more details as they're available, right now we're narrowing down nearly fifty different subjects and disciplines from Koi to Walleye – from parasites to water reuse. Nutrition and an update on KHV and possibly details on CNGV (Sleeping Sickness Virus) 
Dedicated to the Management & Health of Koi and Other Species
Taught by UGA Faculty, Veterinarians and Industry Recognized Experts
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Identifying healthy versus sick fish; preventative therapies; common health issues and treatments;
updates on koi herpesvirus; pond technologies and construction; filtration and water reuse technology;
water quality; advances in nutrition; parasites; advanced veterinary topics and more.
For more details….

A Wealth of Koi and Pondfish Knowledge Books List

Koi Organisation International (KOI) put together a review of more than 2 dozen books, videos etc. Better still, they had THREE reviewers weighing in. This provided valuable insights from 'different' points of view. All good books and resources. Another “nice value” that's added to Koi Organisation International. 
Here's a link to the reference: 
If the link doesn't work, I'm uploading the list as a PDF and let me know. 
Doc Johnson